The Bellum Deorum Interpretation


Once any work makes its way into the open, and especially onto the internet, it tends toward becoming its own “being”. While I will be doing all within my power to make sure the following principles gain traction while I am still around, none of us is permanent. Therefore, the following are my wishes concerning this theory:
  • True science, following the scientific method, is the only way an intelligent consciousness may discern objective truth. I will refer to this theory as “the truth” in quotes for that reason – it is only actually the truth if science can provide evidence to support the theory.
  • While I am a firm believer in science and the scientific method, I am (unfortunately) not a physicist or a mathematician. I need the help of the scientific community to consider this theory, and to prove or disprove its assertions.
  • As new discoveries are made, or as evidence is presented that contradicts the theory, adjustments should be made, if that is possible. If predictions made herein are disproven, they should be summarily discarded.
  • Should the entire theory be disproven via incontrovertible, objective evidence, it should absolutely be abandoned. It is not my intent to create further
    Statements, beliefs, or practices that claim to be both scientific and factual but are incompatible with the scientific method.
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    pseudoscientific claims for people to blindly follow in the face of overwhelming evidence to the contrary. From my perspective, our world already has
    Ancient astronauts, climate change denial, dowsing, evolution denial, astrology, alternative medicine, ufology, and creationism are examples of pseudoscience.
    (Click for more info.)
    far too many.
  • The ideas presented here are intended for the common good. Any use of these ideas for the material gain or cynical benefit of any particular group would be in direct conflict with the ideas presented here.
  • There is likely no way we will ever really know the full, complete truth of our existence - at least not while we live it. That makes some (or most) of the theory currently unprovable. Despite this, we should never cease imagining possibilities that do not directly contradict scientific findings, and we should remain diligent in seeking all we can know and prove.
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