Quite literally, volumes upon volumes could be written about the implications of this theory being
proven correct. If BDI was shown to hold water, our entire understanding of our universe, and our
place in it, would change on a level that has not been seen before in human history.
However, one of the most fundamental implications of this theory would be enormous. It would mean
that even if there is someone approaching you this very second, sneaking up behind you with a
knife to cut you down and hoping to end your life, they would not be your true enemy. The
only enemy any of us would have would be the AGC.
Assuming you are human, it does not matter if you are a shut-in, an everyday Joe, or you are the
President. If you are an emperor, chairman, führer, king, or queen - we are all going to die. For
most of us, that is a very uncomfortable fact that we do our best to avoid thinking about. And, as
much as most of us try every day to circumvent that fate, our time will eventually come. Physics
and entropy will eventually win in the end, that much is certain. And further, when we do,
most of the life that remains is more than fine with the fact that the resources you were borrowing
from your environment are now available. Somewhere in the world, there is someone who feels that the
world would be better off if you and everyone like you were gone because of your skin color, religion
(or lack thereof), and/or culture. There is also someone in the world that would be happy to end your
life to acquire your possessions, no matter how meager you might think they are. Apart from people,
though – even the bacteria inside your gut, at this very moment, are just waiting for your heart to
stop beating, and your immune system to stop functioning so they can begin to consume your body and
the energy it contains. All life exists at the expense of other life, and that is a somewhat-unfortunate
facet of our reality.
I believe that much of philosophy and religion can be distilled down to a single question. Say you
died, and it was because your worst enemy killed you. An enemy country invaded your homeland,
killed everyone you know and love, and took everything your country had. They killed you because
they think you are beneath them – that they deserve to take your belongings, country, and lives
from you, because they are superior. But, after your death, you are granted one chance to kill
them, but maybe also everyone else. Say that God gave you a post-mortem choice: to unleash nuclear missiles that might very well destroy all life on the planet, even if you aimed them only at your enemy.
Fail-deadly is a concept in nuclear military strategy that encourages deterrence by guaranteeing an immediate, automatic, and overwhelming response to an attack, even if there is no one to trigger such retaliation.
(Click for more info.)
Do you make the choice to possibly annihilate and dispose of all life, and throw away everything
our planet has been granted, because of your own pride? If your people, the people you
love, cannot live alongside (or even reign supreme over) all other conscious life that you deem to
be either incorrect, or beneath you, would you choose to possibly sterilize your former homeworld
out of hatred and vengeance, simply because you feel that a world without your people is not worthy
of existence? Do you choose to risk killing everyone and everything, thereby removing any chance that
your enemy (or their descendants) might eventually see the light, and understand that they were in
the wrong? Do you eliminate all possibility that your enemy might evolve past the very tendencies that
brought them to strike you down?
Or, could you choose to realize that the true enemy might not be the other conscious life on our
planet, or even in our own universe? The enemy might be one we can’t see, but wishes to silence us
because that is what is best for their own end.
And yes, I am quite cognizant of the fact that the principles of MAD are likely the main reasons we have had some semblance of global peace over the last 70+ years, even
though that peace is fragile and could end very, very badly. While the above thought experiment might
make it seem otherwise, I am not advocating for absolute pacifism by any means, as I believe that the defense of life is absolutely justified.
Mutual assured destruction (MAD) is a doctrine of military strategy and national security policy which posits that a full-scale use of nuclear weapons by an attacker on a nuclear-armed defender with second-strike capabilities would cause the complete annihilation of both the attacker and the defender.
(Click for more info.)
The belief that human life is so valuable that a human should never be killed and war should never be conducted, even in self-defense.
(Click for more info.)
Those who have had the privilege (and honor) of looking down on our planet from space commonly
seem to experience a real, documented phenomenon. In a cognitive shift termed the overview effect, the experience often has a profound effect on their own views and their sense of self, in which
they feel more connected to their planet and all of humanity. Their experience shifts their views
to create a lasting impression that our world is “a beautiful, fragile world to be treasured”. I
first heard of this being a documented effect after hearing what William Shatner had to say about his own experience, and whose words I found both insightful and tragic. I could not help but
feel both deeply moved and saddened by the description of his revelation.
A congnitive shift reported by some astronauts while viewing Earth from space, the effect can cause changes in the observer’s self concept and value system, and can be transformative.
(Click for more info.)
”[I]t was among the strongest feelings of grief I have ever encountered. The contrast between the vicious coldness of space and the warm nurturing of Earth below filled me with overwhelming sadness. Every day, we are confronted with the knowledge of further destruction of Earth at our hands... It filled me with dread. My trip to space was supposed to be a celebration; instead, it felt like a funeral.”
(Click for more info.)
Over the past few years, I have come to form the opinion that there is sufficient evidence
indicating that we are all a part of something larger than ourselves. If we decide that is the
case, then learning that fact, teaching that fact, and behaving as such should be the highest
priority of our existence. Deciding to choose to push consciousness beyond our homeworld
– by any, and all means necessary – means that we choose to honor and respect the rare gifts that have been bestowed upon us. Even if
sometimes, that means our supposed “enemies” win. I believe we should choose a future in which,
even if humanity (in its current form or otherwise) is not the conscious, intelligent life that is
able to leave our homeworld and live on after our Earth can no longer support life, it would mean
at least there would be some form of intelligent life out there that would know our story,
and could tell it: who we were, and that we were here.
I invite you to imagine what might be possible under the following scenarios:
- What if the budgets and policies of the four largest world powers (China, The European Union, Russia, and most of all, The United States,) were altered slightly. What if ten percent of our budgets for defense (let’s be honest here – so-called “defense” budgets include budgets for aggression) was reallocated instead for the purposes of working together for the benefit of all mankind?
- What if the above collaborations, and combined cooperative spirit, could lead to a greater understanding of each other, and serve to de-escalate tensions between our peoples?
- As a result of the de-escalation that we gain from working together, what if a further ten percent could then be reallocated to education? What if learning the basics of our reality, such as the concepts this theory is based upon, was not limited to graduate and doctoral students, and could be a part of all basic secondary education?
- What if we could make an effort to look past our petty, insignificant differences and
view all life, on this planet (and perhaps, even in our universe), as our allies? What
positive effects might kindness and compassion have, even upon ourselves?Studies have shown compassion can slow the aging process, make you more attractive to others, as well as deliver multiple other health and psychological benefits.(Click for more info.)
- What if we could realize that the meaning of life is probably not a competition to find out which of us can reproduce the fastest and consume the most resources? Instead, what if we could come to an agreement to try and strike a balance wherein our global population levels could be sustainable over the long-term within the means of our planet?
“We must live together as brothers or perish together as fools.”
- Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
- Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
I fully realize and can appreciate the fact that most of this will be viewed by many as utter
idealistic nonsense. Many, or perhaps even most, believe that our differences and divisions are
important enough to fight and die over. But if you truly believe that, then you are stating that
humanity simply “is what it is”, and that we are completely incapable of moving past our
animalistic tendencies. If that is true, our future is very likely to be one in which the story of
life on this planet, and of our species, perishes with the last of us. One in which we allow our
divisions and selfishness to make us incapable of peace and progress. And, one in which the only
hope that any lifeform in our universe would even have a clue we existed would be from observing
our transmissions as they reach faraway galaxies, long after we are gone.
Further, I understand that I have gotten rather preachy here, but regardless of whether any of
this interpretation is correct or not, we face some very real existential threats. The
catastrophes of anthropogenic climate change are not only on our doorstep but have absolutely
busted through the front door. The species of our planet are dying off at such an alarming rate,
some are calling it Earth’s sixth great extinction. We are in the midst of the most extensive military conflict the planet has hosted since World
War II. The hypersonic and quantum arms races are solidly underway, with the threats and chances of a planet-wide nuclear conflict at
its nearest point in history. And as we march on, we also have the looming possibility of self-conscious AGI that might
not see us as their ally, especially if we create them with the intent of exploiting them as tools
of war.
CBS News > Scientists say planet in midst of sixth mass extinction, Earth's wildlife running out of places to live
Science > ‘National pride is at stake.' Russia, China, United States race to build hypersonic weapons
The Quantum Insider > Quantum Warfare
The Quantum Insider > Quantum Warfare
If we are not wise with our thoughts, our words, and our deeds, I feel there is little doubt that
we will be resigned to succumb to the great filter.