The Bellum Deorum Interpretation


Well, from my own viewpoint, this is easy. Since I started to view the universe through this lens, it seems as if everything that is (and has ever been) seems to simply fall into place. But please allow me to explain a few of the bigger pieces to elucidate. This will also allow me to explain how this interpretation might be possible within the constraints of reality.
The first scientific mystery that we could easily explain using this theory would be the question of why the quantum realm, and its associated “spookiness” of entanglement, both exist at all: they have logical functions, as that is how each GC performs moves within the construct. Famously,
Einsten preferred to call himself an agnostic, or a “religious nonbeleiver.”
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(an agnostic) Einstein balked at the idea of quantum mechanics’ seeming randomness while replying to fellow physicist
Was a German physicist and mathematician who was instrumental in the development of quantum mechanics.
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Max Born, saying that
Einstein argued that due to its random nature, our interpretations of quantum theory must be incomplete.
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“God does not play dice with the universe”. For many years, I struggled with Einstein’s statement, because it appeared as if he was so clearly incorrect. Quantum mechanics, and by extension, the
Theory that describes three of the four known fundamental forces of nature, which has made several astonishingly accurate predictions in particle physics.
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Standard Model, is unbelievably successful at predicting how subatomic particles interact and behave. From our observations until now, the universe is clearly based on randomness and pure chance.
Over time, and with the more I learn, I have come to align with Einstein’s sentiment, because I feel that we all have been missing half the picture. If you can accept that this interpretation could be possible, the quantum effects we know we exist within become an underlying part of our existence and have a defined purpose. Throws of dice transform into moves on a chessboard. The pure chance and randomness that we encounter when we do our best to observe the nearly-infinitesimal structures of our universe become the opposite; what we are witnessing instead is opposing forces attempting to best each other. The issue is that we cannot easily observe or measure the very small effects that occur on the macroscopic level as a result of each instantaneous, electron-scale-interaction. We observe waveforms in a state of superposition simply because the query to determine the state has not yet been performed. The instant an interaction occurs, the query is performed, and a state is chosen!
Second, the Heisenberg uncertainty principle has an important logical purpose within this framework. It means that as either GC selects eigenstates, they cannot back the other GC into a fully deterministic corner and thereby limit the range of possibilities they could select. The more defined a property becomes, the more undefined its complementary property becomes. The amount of uncertainty in the universe is conserved, and there is always the same amount available after each move/interaction.
The third mystery we might explain is
Phenomenon by which one particle or system can affect another particle in violation of locality, or the speed of light.
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quantum non-locality, and why the
A field of active research, theorists are exploring a variety of approaches to reconciling gravity with quantum mechanics and field theory.
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theory of quantum gravity (and by extension, the
Hypothetical theory that would be all-encompasing and would tie together all apsects of the universe.
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theory of everything,) has been so elusive. If the quantum world is an underlying computational structure that projects our macroscopic reality, the relativistic effects of spacetime might only occur at distances past a certain amount of
Extremely small units of measure. A Planck length is 10-35 meters. At these small scales, it is said that “spacetime becomes a foam.”
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Planck lengths. To us, interactions that occur on a quantum level are instantaneous, regardless of your frame of reference, because the quantum world has its own clock, and its version of time that is true time, a “quantum real-time". The classical/relativistic spacetime we observe and exist within is simply an
A facade or framework which hides the inner working details of a subsystem. An analogy could be the web browser you are viewing this site with right now, which abstracts the programming of your machine and the coding of this website into a graphical user interface for you to navigate.
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abstraction layer built upon that. Out of the “four” fundamental forces, gravity is the only force that does not occur at the quantum level (and I am firmly in the camp that maintains that
YouTube > Why Gravity is NOT a Force (Veritasium)
gravity is not a force at all). This would mean that spacetime and the gravity it causes are emergent properties, as suggested in the 1980’s by
Was an American theoretical physicist, best known for popularizing the term “black hole”, for inventing the terms “quantum foam”, “neutron moderator”, “wormhole” and “it from bit”, and for hypothesizing the “one-electron universe”.
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John Archibald Wheeler. This aligns with
Engelhardt, Van Raamsdonk and colleagues say that AdS/CFT correspondence suggests that spacetime might emerge from quantum entanglement.
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holographic theory and findings by Engelhardt et al. and Van Raamsdonk et al., and is
Although string theory and loop quantum gravity both suggest that spacetime is emergent, the kind of emergence is different in the two theories.
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predicted by both
Theory which aims to merge quantum mechanics and general relativity.
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loop quantum gravity and
Theory in which particles are actually one-dimensional objects called strings, and in which mass, charge, and other properties determined by the vibrational state of the string.
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string theory, just by different mechanisms.
This theory predicts that spacetime is emergent from, and is a direct function of, quantum uncertainty. That means that gravity emerges from the
ConFeynmant? Get it?? 😂

I'll see myself out...
confinement of that same uncertainty.
Here lies a gaping hole in this theory
I know I said that this interpretation doesn't require fancy math, but this part certainly will, if it is to ever be proven correct. I do not have the mathematics or physics expertise required to fully describe the next part, so it might sound like complete nonsense if you are a physics major. It is a work in progress, but here goes my attempt at describing how this might work:
Let's start with the assumption that measurement of a quantum system occurs any time a particle interaction occurs. As particles coalesce, they interact more frequently, which reduces the uncertainty of those quantum properties. The more frequently they interact, the further their quantum properties become constrained by the
An effect in which a particle's time evolution is slowed down by measuring it frequently enough.
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Quantum Zeno effect. If spacetime is a function of uncertainty, then the more defined those quantum properties become, the more curved/warped that spacetime becomes. An extreme expression of this effect occurs within black holes, where the energy and density of particles causes interactions so frequently that it warps spacetime on an immense scale - to the point that all space and time no longer exist at the singularity, where all quantum properties are 100% defined. The ultimate expression of this effect would have been the
A singularity that cointained all the energy and spacetime of the universe.
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initial singularity, in which spacetime would have been "infinitely warped" (meaning, completely non-existent everywhere) due to all energy/matter in the universe having zero uncertainty. The big bang was initiated by the transition of a completely certain, completely defined state to one of very high uncertainty, and thus, spacetime emerged into existence. This theory makes this prediction because without uncertainty, the competition between GCs cannot take place, and the logical reasons for both universes' existence evaporates. Therefore, (if BDI is correct,) uncertainty itself becomes the most foundational building block of the universe, and it would be completely logical that constraining the evolution of that uncertainty would curve and warp the spacetime it creates.
Fourth, we could provide a logical explanation for the
The imbalance between matter and antimatter in the observable universe.
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baryonic asymmetry in our universe. Symmetry is a
YouTube > Is Symmetry Fundamental to Reality? Gauge Theory has an Answer (Arvin Ash)
fundamental law that exists all throughout nature, physics, and mathematics, and it permeates all of quantum theory. Why would we not conclude that logically, the asymmetry that we observe must be balanced somewhere, even if we cannot currently detect it? There was indeed a process that asymmetrically preferred matter to antimatter in our universe, but that asymmetry only exists if you do not consider both OUs as one whole system. That asymmetry is integral to the existence of both. If the matter from either OU were able to cross the temporal boundary separating the two, it would literally be game over for both OUs as they combine and annihilate each other. But, since they are constrained apart from each other by time, they can exist in concert.
CPT symmetry states that a mirrored universe would evolve under exactly our physical laws.
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CPT symmetry states that an OU made of opposite charges (and that runs backwards in time, relative to us) could evolve and exist under the same physical laws as ours. Further, it is predicted that quantum uncertainty would make it such that the mirror universe would
The universe does not violate CPT symmetry because it was a double-sided event, consisting of a universe-antiuniverse pair. Quantum uncertainty causes the universe and antiuniverse to not be exact mirror images of each other.
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not be a perfect copy. This is exactly aligned with what this hypothesis proposes – that since picoseconds after the big bang, each GC started making quantum moves to shape their own universe and sabotage their opponent’s. And, as a matter of sheer coincidence and convenience, such an antiverse might just happen to explain the pesky problem of
The universe-antiuniverse pair would produce large numbers of superheavy neutrinos, known as sterile neutrinos, which could explain dark matter.
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dark matter, one of the largest conundrums in cosmology. CPT symmetry is fundamental to both special relativity and quantum field theory, which both rely on Lorentz symmetry and invariance. If CPT symmetry was shown to ever be violated, physicists would suddenly have a lot of work to do to reformulate both theories.
Fifth, aside from the mathematical convenience of not violating the uncertainty principle,
Vacuum energy is an underlying background energy that exists in space throughout the entire Universe.
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vacuum energy,
Theoretical quantum fluctuations of spacetime on very small scales, where particles of matter and antimatter are constantly created and destroyed.
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quantum foam and its
Theoretical transient particle that exhibits some characteristics of an ordinary (”real”) particle, but exists only temporarily.
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virtual particles all serve another purpose. They instantaneously pop in and out of existence as the force that makes entanglement and wave function collapse interactions between both OUs possible. Further, this would explain why interactions that involve complex Feynman diagrams (ones with several vertices, signaling more-complex interactions) occur more rarely. Those occurrences mean that the interaction requires a larger amount of improbability. If each GC has a limitation on the complexity of quantum improbability that it can work against within a certain timeframe, they would want to conserve that energy for situations in which they are truly necessary.
Sixth, we will move on to the conservation of information laws in quantum mechanics. This realization was one of the most striking.
Five famous theorems describe the limits on manipulation of quantum information.
  1. no-teleportation theorem, which states that a qubit cannot be (wholly) converted into classical bits; that is, it cannot be fully "read".
  2. no-cloning theorem, which prevents an arbitrary qubit from being copied.
  3. no-deleting theorem, which prevents an arbitrary qubit from being deleted.
  4. no-broadcast theorem, which prevents an arbitrary qubit from being delivered to multiple recipients, although it can be transported from place to place (e.g. via quantum teleportation).
  5. no-hiding theorem, which demonstrates the conservation of quantum information.
These theorems are proven from unitarity, which according to Leonard Susskind is the technical term for the statement that quantum information within the universe is conserved. The five theorems open up possibilities in quantum information processing.
Unitarity stipulates five quantum information theorems that, in a basic sense, indicate that all quantum information is preserved, and that no two possible “quantum pasts” could have led to the current state of the universe.
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YouTube > Why Quantum Information is Never Destroyed (PBS Spacetime)
(video), conservation of information, and the
States that all relevant information about a physical system is conserved as it moves from one state to another during unitary time evolution.
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no-hiding theorem serve hugely important logical roles, aside from simply preserving quantum field theory. If these concepts are not violated, that makes the data within both OUs analogous to the most massive
A distributed ledger with records that are securely linked together via cryptographic hashes (mathematical calculations). Each block contains information about the previous block, so they form a chain, with each additional block linking to the ones before it.
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blockchain ledger imaginable. Unitarity stipulates that at the quantum level, no two possible pasts could lead to the same future outcome. Meaning, whatever state the universe is in at this moment, it is only because innumerable quantum interactions have built upon one another and have brought us to this specific moment with this specific outcome. And, because of conservation of information, every interaction could be played in reverse with complete precision. All of this is to say that if either GC tried to violate the laws of physics by manipulating even a single property of a single particle, without completely reversing time and starting over from that change forward, the mathematics and physics of the entire system would be violated. Cheating would cause our reality to literally rip apart!
Proceeding on with the topic of mathematics, complex numbers, including the “imaginary” number i would become absolutely real, even when dealing with 2-D geometry. That “negative area” can describe a physical place in geometry and 4-D spacetime: the antiverse. Rotations around the
Cartesian coordinate system where the x-axis is formed by real numbers, and the y-axis is formed by “imaginary” numbers.
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complex plane allow us to rotate through the
A circle group consisting of all complex numbers with an absolute value of 1 under multiplication.
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U(1) symmetry between the OUs. This is why i
YouTube > How Imaginary Numbers Were Invented (Veritasium)
exists in the Schrödinger equation and in the Standard Model equations! Both equations give us two solutions – one that applies to our proverse, but also one that applies to the antiverse. If correct, this suggests that complex numbers, in and of themselves, are a mathematical clue to the nature of our dualistic universe. In the same way that Paul Dirac was able to
By completing an equation that merged special relativity with the Schrödinger wave equation, the mathematics predicted the existence of antimatter.
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predict the existence of antimatter when he formed his namesake equation, I believe Schrödinger’s implementation of i predicts completely real solutions to the equation that apply to the antiverse.
Next, answering the questions of why the
Principle that states that properties of our universe, including its current age, are finely tuned for the existence of life.
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anthropic principle seems to exist becomes child’s play. It is yet another feature of our reality that serves a logical function under this interpretation. The reason it appears we were born into a
Argument that states that life is very sensitive to the values of fundamental physical constants, and that the universe would have proceeded very differently if those constants had differed only slightly, making life impossible.
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fine-tuned universe becomes evident: we are! If the objective of the competition is to expand consciousness as far and wide as possible, there are obvious and plain explanations for why our universe would have conditions favorable to our existence, including values fundamental to the evolution of life such as the
Fundamental physical constant which signifies the strength of the electromagnetic interaction between elementary charged particles.
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fine structure constant. Even (an
USA Today > A brief history of Stephen Hawking's atheism
atheist) Stephen Hawking, said "[t]he laws of science, as we know them at present, contain many fundamental numbers, like the size of the electric charge of the electron and the ratio of the masses of the proton and the electron. […] The remarkable fact is that the values of these numbers seem to have been very finely adjusted to make possible the development of life." We can also inherently assume that
An argument for the existence of God which claims that certain features of the universe and of living things are best explained by an intelligent cause.
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intelligent design is in play, and the PGC has done their best to ensure we are as good as they could make us, despite the obstacles the AGC has put in their way.
Another fundamental feature of our reality we can ascribe another logical function to under these assumptions would be the universal speed limit, c, and the restrictions of locality and relativity exist. We know that speed limit establishes causality and is an essential part of our reality. However, if the entire goal of the competition is to determine which GC can create the most conscious life in their OU, then being able to transmit any information (whether that’s matter, or just plain data) quickly across a large region of space would create an issue. It would allow one civilization that has figured out “the truth” to easily broadcast a huge spoiler to the rest of the cosmos. Imposing a speed limit by making it impossible (or incredibly difficult) to transmit data quickly across the relatively vast emptiness of space means that you are limiting how fast one global civilization can ruin the plot for others, and forces (most of) them to figure “the truth” out for themselves.
Last, and perhaps most importantly: If BDI does describe the nature of our universe, the
The discrepancy between the lack of evidence of extraterrestrial life and the high likelihood of its existence.
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Fermi Paradox and the
A possible resolution of the Fermi paradox that posits some barrier to the development of detectable extraterrestrial life.
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Great Filter are the results of one of two possibilities, or a combination thereof: either the AGC’s successful
A study in 2020 concluded that the most important factor affecting life's prevalence: intelligent creatures' tendendy toward self-annihilation.
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destructive actions to prevent consciousness from expanding and thriving throughout our universe, or the fact that an advanced alien civilization would have no interest in contacting us unless it is obvious that we understand and agree on “the truth”.


Touching back on the concept of complex numbers referencing the antiverse, there might also be a correlation to why the Hermitian conjugate terms exist in the Standard Model equation. I have not found a good explanation regarding this – however, since our universe is only half of the full picture, we may need to subtract those complex values to match our experimental results.
The principles of this theory might have a link to the reason fermions have a
A spin of ½ means that the particle must be rotated by two full turns before it has the same configuration as when it started.
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spin of ½, meaning that it takes two full “rotations” of a particle to return to its starting point. I understand that this is related to why the
Principle which stats that two or more identical particals with spin ½ cannot occupy the same quantum state within a quantum system simultaneously.
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Pauli exclusion principle exists and how that property allows matter to exist. However, I do wonder if the extra spin could also be related to how cross-OU entanglement and interactions occur. Recent collider
During relatively “soft” proton/electron collisions, electrons occasionally encounter a rarer “molecule” of five quarks, such as an up, down and charm quark grouped on one side and an up quark and charm antiquark on the other.
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experiments have found that under certain conditions, a pair of extra charm quarks can sometimes appear when you destroy a proton. The strangest part of these findings: the two charm quarks that are observed are each heavier than the entire proton they came from!
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