Impatient? I can relate. Cut to the chase.
A thought experiment that a higher intelligence could exist was the original inspiration for this
theory, and herein I do argue in favor of that premise. However, please understand that trying to
prove that God exists is not the objective. My intent is to present a logical interpretation of
our quantum-based reality based on facts. The existence of a higher power is argued for
in this interpretation simply because removing that piece from the equation causes the ideas
presented here to fall apart. Motive and intent are the gravity that hold this theory together,
and those two factors suggest consciousness and intellect. Viewing our universe through that lens
may allow apparent fuzziness in our physical world to become clear.
A single epiphany led me to feel that I might have stumbled onto something. As I explored that
path, so many logical, philosophical, and scientific puzzles and paradoxes began to either be
explainable by, or at least fit into, the framework I conceived. I came across too many
coincidences that fit together like the oh-so-clichéd puzzle piece analogy, until it became too
overwhelming to ignore. Eventually, for the first time in my life, I started to feel as if my own
existence might have meaning. That we all, each singular person and conscious being, might
actually matter to the universe.
I freely concede: most of what seems to fit together, from my standpoint, could simply be nothing
more than a cascade of confirmation bias. I am a software engineer, so naturally I perceive our reality from that perspective. None of us
are exempt from this tendency, which is why I need you. If you are a scientist or an intellectual,
I ask your help to prove or disprove this theory. I believe it to be highly unlikely that I am the
only one who has reached these conclusions. Try as I might, however, I have not found anyone who
has published a theory or theory such as this. If you should know of someone who has written or
lectured about this or something similar, please contact me on Reddit.
The tendency to search for, interpret, favor, and recall information in a way that confirms or supports one's prior beliefs or values.
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I believe that if I am even partially correct – and, if some part of this were able to
gain any traction, and more of us could allow science, reason, and compassion, perhaps mixed with
a little bit of faith, to prevail over ignorance, indoctrination, dogma, and – most
importantly of all – hate, we could literally change the world. Yes, I understand how
impossible, ridiculous, and seriously campy that sounds, but as the adage goes: if you never try,
you will certainly never know.